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NHS & Private Dentistry.

Becoming a Patient.

At our practice we offer gentle, friendly NHS and private dental treatment for patients in Coventry and Kettering.
Our entire list of treatments is available for private patients and NHS patients. Our team will be able to confirm whether you are eligible for registration within the NHS at Dental Perfection.
For NHS patients, registration will automatically lapse after 15 months if you have not visited the practice for a check up.

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NHS Treatment & Services.

Private dental treatments at our practices in Coventry and Kettering is available to everyone. Our private patients will receive a full breakdown of the estimated fees and timescales associated with their chosen treatment. We will always take the time to listen to you, to explain the treatment and answer your questions. We will use the highest quality biocompatible dental materials, which may not be available on the NHS.

Band 1

Band 1: £26.80
Covers an examination, diagnosis and advice. If necessary, it also includes X-rays, a scale and polish (if clinically needed), and planning for further treatment.

Band 2

Band 2: £73.50
Covers all treatment included in Band 1, plus additional treatment, such as fillings, root canal treatment and removing teeth (extractions).

Band 3

Band 3: £306.80
Covers all treatment included in Bands 1 and 2, plus more complex procedures, such as crowns, dentures and bridges.

In the event of a dental emergency, it is vital to act quickly and seek professional assistance. If you are in the United Kingdom, please call 111 immediately. This will connect you to the NHS 111 service, where trained professionals can provide urgent dental advice and direct you to the appropriate care

Frequently Asked Questions

What to do in an event of an Emergency?

Please telephone the practice on 02476 220 420 for Coventry or 01536 411 150 for Kettering as soon as possible. We will do everything we can to help you.

What payment options are available to me?

You can either pay by cash or credit/debit card.
All private treatment must be paid for at the completion of each visit.
All patients please note that charges for NHS Treatment must be paid in full before further appointments are booked.
If you are exempt from NHS charges proof must be shown.

Can I spread the cost of my Dental Treatment?

Yes, whether you are looking to spread the cost of General Dentistry or Cosmetic Dentistry we have options available to spread the cost. For General Dentistry we would always recommend one of our amazing Patient plans, which are from as little as 43p a day!

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